Skimmer...Need some help.


Hello Folks,
Just returned from a business trip last night, was gone 8 days. My assistant fed the fish while I was gone, the lights are automated, and I have a diy top-off. Thought I'd test the water, to see what was going on. If some of you will recall, I added those two firefish, and a flame angel to my 90 about three and half weeks ago. All fish are doing well. Haven't even lost a snail as of yet.
On to my point. I tested the water, and my nitrates are 40. I did a water change right before I left, and nitrates were 10-20. The skimmer cup I emptied two weeks ago, and had about a half inch of skim in it when I left, when I came back, it had about an inch. Thought it strange, it usually fills half a cup in a week or so. I pulled off the cup, and lo and behold all of the gunk didn't make it into the cup but stayed in the collector tube that goes up into the cup. It was a half inch thick...YUCK! was my first impression.
On to my problem. I don't know what to do, I think this is why my nitrates were high? Could it be fowling my water? I also don't know why my little baby isn't working correctly. It's a euro CS6-2+. It was working ok about three weeks ago, I pulled it out to clean it, and now it doesn't seem to be working right? I didn't use any chemicals, just hot water and a acrylic safe scrub pad, and I used that lightly. Anyone know why this would happen? I currently made sure the air tube was free of obstruction, and the adjuster tube is 1/2 inch below the upper lip.
As I said in the title, need a little help.
Doing a water change now. I'll tell ya, I'm very happy I keep that 32 gallon brute around for just this type of purpose. Good aged salt water at the ready.
Thank you,
EDIT: Also wanted to mention, now that I think of it. The skimmate was real thin compared to normal.


Just finished changing my water...didn't take long. I add and take away at the same time. Been sitting here thinking. This thing hasn't been working to well since my live rock has cured. I've never adjusted it, and I'm sure that probably is the problem, I just don't know how, and i can't find the instructions. Can't remember what happens when you go down with the adjustable tube, and what happens when you go up? I know there are plenty of people who own these skimmers out there, and have probably had this problem. I'll just wait til someone speaks up.
Also, I guess this could be my nitrate problem. You wouldn't believe the gunk that was in the collector tube. Another inch thick and you could have just slipped it into a soup can and called it full. The grossest stuff I've ever had to deal with, and the bubbly water in the skimmer was hitting it all the time. Fouling my water?
I just want my fish to be safe, so any help appreciated. Actually glad to be back from vacation. This may sound strange but I missed reading this board. It's the first place I visited this morning. Needed a fix. :happy:
If I get this problem solved, I might order a fish, or some corals soon.



Originally posted by Neil
Hello Folks,
Just returned from a business trip last night, was gone 8 days. My assistant fed the fish while I was gone,
On to my point. I tested the water, and my nitrates are 40.

Maybe your assistant was overfeeding while you were gone.


I thought somewhat might come up with that assumption. I'll tell you I've heard nightmare stories about this kind of thing. A person goes out of town and some one babysits their tank, and doesn't know how much to throw in. I actually put the food(my own frozen mix) into baggies and labeled them. Mon-Wed-Fri etc. Figured this would get around that problem. I've got to tell you, I think I had the tube up so high on this thing, the water was just about touching this foul stuff constantly. I'm going to let my tank cool down a bit, and then run some tests on it. My nitrates were never excessively low, 10 at best, 20 at worse. Does anyone know if touching this junk and recirculating it back into the water would raise my nitrates? Seems logical, but not experienced enough to know.
Looking at my tank now, all of the inhabitants seem fine and happy. Hoping it stays that way.
Thanks for the response,