Hey I have a wet/dry-sump-skimmer all in one setup with over flow box, bio balls, and return pump. the problem I am having is getting the skimmer to create any foam and skim. The skimmer is situated in the first chamber of the unit right where the down pipe comes down from the overflow boxes. The skimmer is a very simple setup: a cylinder tube with a pump half way up and an air line stone in the chamber and an overflow cup on top. The system i believe runs on the venturi theory of creating a tornado in the chamber and having the dirt attach to the bubbles which rise to the top and overflow into the collection cup. The problem is the bubbles never get high enough. This is not a DIY skimmer I bought the system setup like this. The only adjustments I can make are on the amount of air the air pump puts out, but this just changes the size of the bubbles and this hasn't helped. I know my tank looks clean but I know that a skimmer will still collect a lot of stuff. Anyone else have similar system with the same problems?