skimmer not producing foam.


Active Member
Today is the 3rd day it has been hooked up. Its not producing any foam. Its just bubbling below the collection cup. Is this normal? Then sometimes like in hours it will start to rise to the collection with foam then it will settle. Is this skimmer hooked up right? I have a aqua medic turboflotor


Active Member
Originally Posted by Cartman101
and there is alot of micro bubbles in the tank, i think the skimmer is causing it
will that harm anything though?

the reef

Originally Posted by Cartman101
brown water
brown watter thats ok but over a few weeks time should start to see the brown watter start turning green then after longer a really dark green

the reef

Originally Posted by Cartman101
oh ok, so theres nothing wrong with the skimmer? The collection cup is almost 1/2 way full with brown water
just throw away the brown watter and put the colection cup back on


Just to add to this.. I have a cpr sr2.. and its been working fine.. but how do you know where to fine tune the collection cup?? If there are dry bubbles in the collection cup does that mean that it's too high?? I have dark stuff in the bottom but bubbles dry at the top too.. it's not like flowing continuously i guess..

the reef

Originally Posted by shiby1510
Just to add to this.. I have a cpr sr2.. and its been working fine.. but how do you know where to fine tune the collection cup?? If there are dry bubbles in the collection cup does that mean that it's too high?? I have dark stuff in the bottom but bubbles dry at the top too.. it's not like flowing continuously i guess..
that will be fine as long as the water in the collection cup isent clear then it is working


if you are asking me .. a cpr sr2... is it better to have the collection cup higher and still collecting just not as much or lower?