Skimmer not producing


I have a 40 gal tank thats been up for 6 months or more. I made my skimmer out of pvc. for just the last 2-3 weeks my skimmer doesnt bubble at all. I replaced my limewood air stone from a 2 to a 3 inch, thinking maybe the wood is getting old or clogged. It was working perfect before, all kinds of bubbles and product. I tested my water yesterday because I was sure that I would find some nitrites or phosphates or even nitrates but everything is zeros, nitrates where like 2-3ppm, but nothing big. Should I worry? Ohh and the only time I do see a little bubble action is when I add some chemicals like Kent Elements. :notsure:
Phos - 0
amon - 0
nitrites - 0
nitrates - 2-3
calcium - 380
KH - 12
ph - 8.4
salinity - 1.22 - 1.23 (slowley increasing to 1.24)


Ohh yeah
2 clowns
1 blue tang
all fish like 1 inch
1 tube anem
3x3 star polyps
4 turbos snails
some other snails
feather duster


I hope you mean 1.024 on the salinity... One of the reasons that your skimmer may not be working too well could be the water is being drawn through the skimmer at to high a rate if it is a counter current skimmer. Try slowing down the flow a little.
Another reason could be not enough bubbles being produced by the air stone (lack of air pressure from the pump) or the bubbles are too large. You could try a ceramic airstone that produces micro bubbles if the wooden isn't producing them small enough, or enough of them.
I am assuming when you mean it doesn't bubble at all, you mean it isn't "foaming" in to the collection cup.


Yeah 1.024 and when I was at home today I actually increased the flow to see if I get any foam it seemed to be moving to slow.


Fixed my problem looks like the turn valve I was using (tho very nice for adjusting) was either leaking or didnt have enough flow.
What do you use for a Valve to adjust your stone drivin skimmer? be it diy or not.


I have a gang valve coming out of the air valve on the pump, and I adjust it that way... just open one of the un-used valves to adjust the air flow.