I was asking the same thing a while ago, when I was cool on this board... But I never got any replies (pretty cool, huh!) But I was thinking along the lines of this
I have been running a skimmerless system for about a year, and all is well, I would just like the xtra security that a skimmer brings along w/ it. I also, only want to lightly skim, do to the fact that I have a lot of filter feeding inverts on my tank.. I think that once the skimmer "breaks in" for the first time, you should be ok, cuz it should still have the "slime coat" on the inside of the chamber, when you turn it back on the next day.. Basically, I'm saying that the skimmer is only going to be off at nite, and I personally dont think that's long enuf to make you have to break it back in again...