Skimmer On Constanly???


Do you have to run your skimmer constanlty. I am tired of looking at all the millions of bulbbes my skimmer shoots in my tank. Can you run it maybe 2-3 days a week?
Most people run their skimmers 24/7. I've never heard that it was harmful to shut it off, maybe. I can give you a trick to stop the bubbles. Put a sponge under the return outlets so that the water coming out of the skimmer could fall directly on the sponge instead of the straight into the sumps water. That's only if you run your skimmer through the sump.
What kind of skimmer are you using? If it is a hang-on type, it should have an adjustment knob where you can try turning it down a little and see if that reduces the amount of air bubbles in your tank. Visi-Jet and SeaClone skimmers can be really bad with bubbles, I had a SeaClone and had a really bad problem with bubbles. I turned it WAY down and it helped but sacrificed the performance. I ended up purchasing a Berlin Air-Lift and it causes NO bubbles at all and it was really affordable ($45 w/air pump)
Just my thoughts :)
i have a prizm and also have no air bubbles. there is a control knob to adjust this problem. try turning it down and see if the problem stops


I have a Berlin Hang On skimmer and I turn it off before going to bed (too noisy). I have never had a problem, but then again my system includes a 4.5" deep sand bed. Nitrates <5!

tru conch

Active Member
i leave my skimmers on all the time. i sometimes have problem with bubbles on the seacyclone, but you can adjust them. sometimes i noticed the bubbles appear after water changes due to the water conditioner (dechlorinizer) but the bubbles disappear after a few days. hth :)