Skimmer on this normal


I've had some problems in the past getting the ph, alk and cal numbers to where they should be. The numbers are now better now, but my skimmer is pulling wet skimmate out like crazy. About 2 cups a day (that's the amt I use to get per week). I've adjusted the skimmer, but I've seen little difference in the amount of green water the skimmer is pulling. If all numbers are where they are suppose to be, how much (cups) should a well running skimmer pull per day? Thanks.


Active Member
Can't really give an answer to that. Depends on lots of things, what corals, how many corals, how many fish, how many gal tank, what you feed, how often you feed, what you dose with etc etc etc. I would try and turn it down so your getting a darker drier skim. (reduce airflow or water flow)
I keep my skimmers set so that they only pull "dry" foam. I'd say it would take me two weeks or more to get nearly a cup, even in my trigger tank.


I had the skimmer adjusting knob turned up. I swear I don't remember turning it up, but obviously I did....duh. Thanks for your response.