Skimmer or Not?!


I'm getting a 15 gallon Eclipse aquarium soon and was wondering if I need or have to have a skimmer with it. It will be a fish only with about three fish?
Thanks in advance.
I know I posted this before, but I was hoping to create more post with this addition.

fish fry

Hey Blu Tang,
If you are just going to do FOWLR I would probably skip the skimmer. Just have a DSB and some rock.
If you are skipping the rock and sand (why would you do that?) then I would suggest the skimmer.
3 fish in a 15 might be overcrowded, depends on what you are planing to keep.
If you are planning a sump you might want to add some macro algae. I would avoid adding them to the regular tank since they might overtake it.
I'm not too familar with the Eclipse but if I remember correctly they have a wet-dry filter. If you could disable that you might be better. They seem to just add nitrate to the water. Although with a DSB maybe you won't have a problem. Try it, worse comes to worse if your nitrate readings are high you can disable the wet dry portion.
Good luck


Also, put some caulerpa algea in. It will greatly help in maintaining the tank. You know how if you have a refugium with algea and stuff, that it works best without a skimmer, or vice versa.


New Member
been running a 15 gal eclipse for about a year now with only the standard filter cartridge and bio-wheel with great success. I keep about 1/2 to 1" cc with a couple of rock decorations. the tank inhabitants are a perc clown, coral beauty, red big-eyed squirrel and a red crab. do a 3 gal water change every other week and that's it .