Skimmer or refugium?


Active Member
I don't know which one to go with. I want to keep everything beneficial in the water, and I want cleaner water. My water quality right now is fine, but I want to add more fish. I'm leaning towards the refugium.


Well-Known Member
Definately the refugium. Skimmers do not remove carbon dioxide for instance. A refugium with lotsa macro/maring plants is much more beneficial.


Active Member
Yeah, I don't know why you would have to choose between the two. IMO, using both is the best method.


Active Member
But isn't the skimmer going to remove a lot of good stuff in the water w/ the bad? What would be the point really to have both? I'm still learning here so bare w/ me.:cool:


Active Member
Skimmers remove proteins...waste products, junk in the water. Refugiums are great for keeping phosphate and nitrate levels down.
As for gas exchange, surface agitation takes care of oxygenating water, more so if you use an overflow and a sump.
Yes, skimmers remove foreign matter, including some supplements you dose. Some people just shut off the skimmer for a while when dosing, to allow time for these to settle in and be absorbed into the system.
Basically, the two remove different things. Thus, the combination of the two is ideal, IMO.


Active Member
A skimmer will remove some good with the bad...
But the good is easily replinished.


Active Member
So it sounds like maybe I should go w/ both, but run my skimmer only during the day or even just a few hours of the day. I really don't have much in there now, but I will have some more life in there soon. That is why I'm inquiring. 8 corals, 2 fish, CBS and other critters is what have in there now w/ ls and about 30 lbs lr.
DvSkin- HT got a schedule change-NORMAL hours now. BUT he just got a new computer, so I don't know his excuse for not saying hi. He hasn't really doen anything w/ his tank lately. Idunno, I hope he ain't losing interest. -DIBS on his corals if he does give it up though!! lol:D


Active Member
Both! Why do you have to choose between two great things? Both will improve water quality. Together even more.