Skimmer or Wet/Dry


I am currently running the Oceanic75 wet/dry trickle filter on my 75 gallon FO aggressive tank. I recently traded my UV sterilizer for a Sealife Systems NV150 skimmer hoping to fit it in the sump part of the wet dry but it was barely too large to fit. Would it be more benefitial to continue running the wet/dry and sell the skimmer or build a Rubbermaid sump and use the skimmer (maybe add a refugium) and sell the wet/dry? I have never used a skimmer so I do not know which works better. By the way, right now Am - 0, trItes - 0, trates <20ppm. Tank inhabitants include a baby clown trigger, 3" lunar wrasse, and 3" valentini puffer. I appreciate your input in advance.


I would keep the skimmer. You will be suprised how much 'dirt' there is in the water, even if it looks crystal clear. I am not familiar with the brand, but I am sure you can trade it for something smaller. Try here! I myself at first was very scaptical about skimmers, but since I got it, I will never have another tank without it. With the small fish load you don't really need one, as long as you do your water changes, so have some time before it may come in handy. But, I would try to get a smaller one. KEEP THE WET/DRY! DON'T MAKE ANY SHORT CUTS ON FILTRATION'.