Skimmer platform


Anyone use a platform for their skimmer?
If so, how does it help your skimmer perform better?
I have a 75G DT with a 55 long sump. Using a Euroreef CS6-2 skimmer and seems to be skimming some nasty gunk....but I'm having trouble keeping the adjustment to stay at one level. I left town for 2 weeks and it overflowed the collection cup while I was gone.



the platform is used 2 lift the skimmer out put above the sump water line. If your skimmer out put is submerged it will cause back pressure and cause the skimmer to overflow.


Active Member
It will work sitting the skimmer on a platform....Certain skimmers operate better at certain water depths and yours is one of those and they have a recommended "sweet spot" for the Euroreefs


Originally Posted by acrylic51
It will work sitting the skimmer on a platform....Certain skimmers operate better at certain water depths and yours is one of those and they have a recommended "sweet spot" for the Euroreefs
Any recommendations on how to build a platform?
How can the depth of the water surrounding the skimmer body and/or pump affect its performance? :notsure:
I'll definetly look into my specific brand/model. Thanks


Originally Posted by SOU812
PVC pipe just lay it on it's side
I'm assuming about 6-8 pieces of side-by-side? Sounds like it would cause a ton of vibration.


Container stores sell small crates, they look like milk crates, I've one in my sump. It dosn't stop water flow, worked great for me.


Originally Posted by rusting
Container stores sell small crates, they look like milk crates, I've one in my sump. It dosn't stop water flow, worked great for me.
Sounds good. I'll keep an eye out. Maybe I can find one that's made of that food grade plastic. :joy:


Originally Posted by SOU812
why would your skimmer vibrate
Thought maybe the pump would vibrate if sitting on top of several PVC pipes. My skimmer pump sits directly next to the skimmer chamber, attached by a small elbow. If I placed the skimmer on top of a platform I would have to place the pump on the platform as well.


cut 4 pieces of pvc pipe as legs and use eggcrate on top and bottom like a table with 2 sides..just use some sort of safe epozy to hold it.
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ha you get the idea.


Originally Posted by sonicboom1
cut 4 pieces of pvc pipe as legs and use eggcrate on top and bottom like a table with 2 sides..just use some sort of safe epozy to hold it.
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ha you get the idea.
I know this sounds stupid but what material is the "eggcrate" made of that you're reffering to?