skimmer prob give advice


Active Member
ok well my crappy HOB prizm pro deluxe broke a few mins ago it did this the other day the polastic impeller shaft broke from the magnet not allowing the impeller to spin its free spinning now since its not attached meaning skimmer not workin....
ok heres my question will my corals b ok until tomorrow morning??
im taking off right now to go to dinner and a movie so i wont be back until later tonight so im figurin i wont have time to take it apart and try to superglue the piece back together again until tomorrow morning....
im not thinking this should be too huge of an issue should it i still run my carbon and im not feeding until after i fix the skimmer
u guys and gals think i should be ok??
i cant wait to have my new 180 up and running with good equipment this time... ill be running an ASM G-4 on that tank!


Ya it should be fine if you have some sort of other filteration but if its big enough it will last atleast one night


Active Member
yeah tell me about it
all of my issues in my tank have come from not having a sump to place a nice skimmer thats big and will do the job....
also not having a clacium reactor has made it hard for me not to keep my alk and ca stable even with daily dosing the alk wanders around
i think the new system will be great and have everything i need to keep a healthy tank running
i consider this my practice tank lol