Skimmer Problem

Suday I put in some Red Slime Remover , the slime is still there a little bit, but everything is doing great, my Water Leverls, fish, and the anemone is doing very well! The problem is it has almost been a week and my protien skimmer still just fills up with water very fast, berfore putting in the slime algae remover it never did this, what should I do? I have had it off for the week put need to turn it back on. DO I need to recalubrate it it or something? Please help!


Active Member
Your protein skimmer will remove additives from the water. So when you add the red slime remover, the collection cup will fill up faster.
It was working great, now its filling up! How do I make it stop? Even though I added the aditives almost a week ago? Should I just let it fill up and keep emptying it until it stops? It feels up about every 30 minutes.


You need to turn your skimmer off and probably keep it off for about 3-4 days. This will do this with smikkers when you add any kind of additive. As Salty said what kind of skimmer?


New Member
1.)As instructed, turn off skimmer for at least a week.
2.) Then check that all traces of red slime are gone.
3.) If OK, do a water change(week after adding red slime remover).
4.) Turn skimmer back on at a low setting and watch it.
5.) Slowly set the skimmer back to original setting.
I had the same experience. Take your time and go slow.