skimmer question... octopus nw150 or nw200 for 135gal tank


New Member
should i stick with the nw150... my tank is only 135gal i dont mind spending the extra 25 bucks to get the bigger one... but would it do any good? is it too big?


Bigger is always better...especially if it's only $25. This way you may be able to have a higher bioload and it even allows you to have your inevitable upgrade, without having to buy a new skimmer. (unless you go a LOT bigger)


Originally Posted by myfrenlikesu
should i stick with the nw150... my tank is only 135gal i dont mind spending the extra 25 bucks to get the bigger one... but would it do any good? is it too big?
I got the nw220 a couple of months ago for my 110g and I love it

My tank has looked much better over the past month and corals are thriving.
Bigger in this case (especially if it's only $25 more) is better.