Skimmer question


I got a skimmer (Big Mombasa) from a friend. I works great but I have trouble adjusting it to the water level line. And when i shut it off to empty the cup since the water level is higher than it should be itll overflow when i turn it back on. I dont understand... could this be the pump???? Ive messed with adjusting the air valve but doesnt seem to work... just gotta trial and error to make it not overflow but I dont like to leave it running being unsure if it will overflow.


not to sure about a 'Big Mombasa' but no skimmer should change water level just from unplugging it and re inserting the plug after a cleaning of the collection cup.
water flow into the pump and air into the venture should always be the same unless you have something causing problems such as algae or trash in the intake of the pump.
taking the pump and venturi apart and giveing them a good cleaning should fix any problem.