skimmer question


I'm setting up a 55g sump and am leaning towards an in-sump skimmer. fewer holes and open connections for possible leaks down the road. Any good reason to go with the skimmer out of the sump? MT is 135g so any suggestions towards brand and models also appreciated.
Thanks Dewayne & Lisa


It will be over kill , but instead of a single seaclone 150 why not run 2 seaclone 100.
It's what I did, both stand in the sump proper. Some is good, more is better, too much is just right _ when speaking of skimming!


Active Member
In sump skimmers are usually much better. DO not get a seaclone, they are really one of the worst skimmers out there, I am not saying they don't work but you can really do much better.
You cannot go wrong with an ASM skimmer, probably a G2 would be the right size for your tank.


I'm wanting to buy the G2 with the recirculating mods but can't figure a way to fit it in my wet/dry. I have a 75 gal with a wet/dry, 110 lbs lr. My lfs said that when I got all my lr then we would gut the wet/dry and add a skimmer. I want to purchase the skimmer somewhere else though since he wants to sell me the G1X for $300. And I can get the G2 with the mods for about $80 less than that. I assume that by gut he means remove the bio balls and foam filter. But that still doesn't leave enough room for the skimmer. Has anyone ever remove the wall between the filter section and the sump section? If I could do that then I would have plenty of room for the skimmer and the return pump.


I would love too but the tank is set up against a wall and the stand has a bar between the doors. So there is no way to get the wet/dry out. If I had know I would be ready for a skimmer so soon I would have thought this out alittle better. The wet/dry is only 9 1/2 inches wide and the foot print of the skimmer is 10 x 11 without the mods. I think the mods add a couple of inches.