Skimmer Question


I have been cycling my tank for almost 5 weeks, I used live rock to cycle. My skimmer has been consistenlty producing waste to the point I had to clean the waste cup every other day. The last couple of days there has been no waste and I noticed the water level does not seem as high between the inlet valve and the top of the skimmer. I didn't change the water flow or anything, could this just be that there is really nothing left to skim and that is why I am noticing a about 1/2 inch space between the inlet vavlue and waste cup? Just want to make sure it is running properly.


Active Member
Did you change the level of the water that your skimmer sets in? Or is it a HOB type? What kind of water did you use to fill your tank with. For whatever reason, which I still have not figured out completely yet, my skimmer skims like crazy then goes on vacation for a day then comes back with a vengence and works fine for a while then produces nothing again.


Active Member
If there is nothing left to skim... your water level still shouldn't go down like that. Do you have anything lodged in your pump's intake? Kinked line? What kind of skimmer is it?


Have you topped off with fresh RO water (unsalted) to compensate for evaporation?
It's winter where I live, but I still have to put in gallon or so every other day.

aztec reef

Active Member
the powerhead & airline might be dirty,the collection cup is not low enuf,skimer chamber is not filled with bubles. what caused yor waterlevel to go down? you should try keep water level the same at alltimes.repleneshing evaporated water.