skimmer question?


I have just purchased a used (7months old) aqua c remora w/t a maxi-jet 1200. Right know it is putting some micro-bubbles into my tank, and my LFS store said once algea begins to grow on it it will catch all the mircor-bubbles. Is this true?
Also if you raise the collection cup do you get more foam of liquid?
Thanks in advance


Active Member
Can't comment on the adjustment on that particular skimmer, but you don't want algae growth in the skimmer.....The skimmer will develop a slime coat somewhat.


New Member
I bought an aqua c skimmer on the advice of other peole in another site's forum. I did not like it at all. It did not skim like they said, and I had problems with the bubbles, too. Then I made my own counter current in-sump skimmer and it worked great. I have since upgraded to a venturi style, but the point is that I thought the aqua c was a bad product (imo).


Active Member
The AquaC is a wonderful skimmer.
I don't buy what they told you for a second. Algae does not grow inside of the skimmers and certainly does not trap the bubbles.
Try this. Give it a good cleaning. Take off the collection cup and look down at the injector. If you have one of the later models, it should have a nylon screw at the top of the injector. If so, take it off and then get a small tube brush (from any LFS) and run it through several times to clean the injector. This will help with the injector bubbles.
If no screw, then give it a good rinse with vinegar.
The bubbles will go down in time. They really are quality skimmers and worth every penny.
Lowering the collection cup will produce more "wet" skimmate (more liquid but lighter in color) and raising it will produce more "dry" skimmate (less volume but darker).
Hope this helps.