skimmer question

keith gray

My skimmer has never pulled out a ton of stuff but I wonder what everyone else experiences. I have a 65 gal with numbers that stay within ranges.
My wet/dry system has a cheapo builtin skimmer that I always have to adjust the air on, but it just pulls out a little bit of gunk every other day. It does not constantly bubble, but it does some.
WHat does everything think. Should I be getting more out even with good water parameters, or does it only bubble when it is bringing gunk to the top ?


what kinda tank? reef? fish only? the amount of skimate the comes out is propotional to the bio load.

keith gray

65 gal with wet/dry(no bioballs- just live rubble rock) and chaeto
60-70 lbs lr
1 hippo tang
1 small puffer
1 maroon clown
1 pencil urchin
1 starfish
1 zoo
1 toadstool
1 star polyp

keith gray

IS it possible that my motor inside the unit is too small ? If I get somethin stronger would that mean it would push stronger threfore creating more bubbling ? I think it currently has a maxijet 1200
help someone out there ???!!!


if the core of the skimmer is white filled with bubbles i wouldnt worry about it, youre biolaod seems light. i have to empty mine weekly but i have 3 times that amount of LR and a DSB in a 55. i also feed alot of rods food, which also blows up the skimmer.

keith gray

Thanks for your reply. The guy at my LFS told me this weekend that if the part of the tube coming up to the cup is not clean and has muck on it, that this can affect the output of bubbles as well.