Skimmer Question


I've just installed a skimmer for my 90 gallon tank. It's working great. However, it's causing masive tiny air bubbles in my tank causing it to look cloudy. Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can eliminate the air bubbles?
Thanks for any suggestions:D


New Member
are you using a submersable? when my water level gets low in my sump and air hits the intake it fills my tank w/them.


New Member
Is this a brand new skimmer? If so, several brands will produce small air bubbles at first. I have a Remora C Pro and it says right on the instructions that it may produce small bubbles until it breaks in. It did for the first 13 days or so, now it is fine

in too deep

New Member
I don't know what brand you have but I have a Berlin Turbo Clasic and when I had that problem I just put a piece of sponge under the water outlets to cushion the water falling from the skimmer just before it hits the water.