Skimmer really needed?


I have the crapiest skimmer of them all that I have to constantlly adjust. This morning I woke up and all it was doing was spitting micro bubbles everywhere clouding up my tank. I have just recentlly recieved a Toadstool, Yellow Fiji, Kenya Tree, and a Califlower Colt all of which are about four inches I would say. I cleaned my skimmer and everything to see if that was all it needed but it is still spitting them out. I will most likley wait a few days to see if it clears upbut my question is do I really need o use the skimmer or would my tank be fine without it.
45 gallon
55 lbs. of LR
35 lbs. LS
Penguin 350
2 MaxJet 600's


You could try some pre-filter or a filter-sock to eliminate the microbubbles. As far as needing a skimmer, I didn't notice your livestock list, but if you are heavily stocked - probably yes. If not, you can probably live without one. This is one of those debates that is always going to be around.
Many have had great reefs without skimmers.
Many have had great reeds with skimmers.
Sorry I couldn't be more help.


Having a skimmer will improve the overall quality of the water by removing organic matter. You can get by without one but it will increase the frequency of your water changes. If your skimmer is new, sometimes it can take a few weeks to break-in. Both skimmers I have owned took a week or so to really get going.