skimmer reliability and performance


i have found a skimmer at my LFS that i think looks good is is rated for a tank double the size of mine it is a
seaclone skimmer
with a maxijet pump rated for 100 gal
has any 1 had past experiance with these skimmers or knows a good skimmer. Even better if u know of a hangon model.
my tank is 31.8 uk gal


I run the aqua c remora hot with the 1200 maxi jet on my 37 gal. does a great job and is very quiet.
Just wanted to agree on the Remora! I love these skimmers! Another good H.O.T. is made by Precision Marine, but are probably expensive and IMO the Remora is more "attractive" in the equipment department because it's low profile design doesn't extend too high up in the back of the tank compared to others and "show off" their collection cup full off beautiful skimmate!:eek:
Try www.***********.com probably about $250 to $300 for one with the pre-skimmer and Mag 3 options. Both well worth going with. I think you would qualify for free shipping at that price too if they are still offering that deal.