Skimmer ????'s PLZZZ HELP NEWBEE!


Active Member
I think i get it
This works perfectly without power as the syphon maintains itself in relationship to the volume in the tank. It wont loose syphon because it cant as long as the inlet lines remain below water leve. Because water finds its on level it will drain from the overflow until the level of the water in the tank is at the level of the outlet in the hang on box RIGHT? Then when the level in the tank rises above the OF boxes level it will begin to flow into the overflow again and continue until the tanks level drops<I.E. a power outage> SOOOOO>> I could biuld one of these say out of 2" pvc tall enough to stand on the cabinets base, drill a hole in it at the desired water level, run a pipe from it to my sump, then return from sump with a pump and WALLAH! <need a hose from tank to inside of pipe though..forgot to mention that.> Will probably only use one of the 400,s maybe trade for something ... like a sump pump??? but well see. Does that sound right?


Active Member
If u want u can add me to ur buddy list and when u need some questions answered ill be glad to help. Will be setting up a sump inthe nextday or so and then building the skimmer. wiil probably do the recirc type like u have built. But you said it needed to be biger i think so u made this one taller. Why is that? mine will have to be shorter and what about turning the collection tube downwards and spilling into a container?Do you think this will work? Can probably build it 22 inches tall and then turn down the collection tube by using 2 2inch pvc electrical 90's heated and bent more round. I think it will. :thinking:


Active Member
Cool Charlie thanks!
First you lost me on the overflow. But I have a 600 pgh HOB OF that I'm willing to part with if you want it I send to you. Also there seems to be a lot of questions about how HOB OF's work. So I think I'm going to draw up some diagrams and post them in "Equipment/DIY" keep an eye out. I'm waiting for the plumber to get done a my job so I have a free day. I also have some other drawings I have to get done so what the heck....
At the height you need a recirc will be fine. The first reaction chamber that I built was 8" shorter than the one I have. I meant CC skimmers need to be tall and thats why it wouldn't work for you. What diameter PVC can you get your hands on? If you can go 6" that wouold be great. You DO NOT want any bends in the skimmer. The less friction for the bubbles to over come the better. What you can do though is drill a hole in the collection cup and drain remotly in jug, bucket whatever......
Give me a bit and I'll get some diagrams up of what I did for the side penetrations and placement of pump and such. The other thing is the ventri to draw air.
Let me get the kids off to school first......


Active Member
That'd be great if youOn th OF here waht I was thinking. 2" pvc pipe with a cap on the bottom, long enough to stand on the base at the back of the tank and extend up to the top of tank,this would be abou 24 inches as I have a 65 tall .Got it? Then insert 2 pvc pipes runing down to the bottom of this pipe which extend out and into the tank down about 3/4 of the way. With me? This will constitute the supply from tank. Then at the desired water level Ill drill the 2" pvc and insert a pipe from both sides of 2" and run them down below my tank with ball valves to control the flow Will spill into the sump of skimmer from there.Seem right? Now at the bottom of pipe above the 2 conduits in the pipe ill plaqce a 3rd conuit. WHAT for? To do water changes with a turn of a valve. This will allow me to drain my tank down to just above the level of the pipes inside the tank wich are the supply? Think thatll work? HOB that you have would be a lot simpler though, what do u want for it? Trade maybe? Let me know bout that and the pics will post one of what im talking about here.


Active Member
Sorry, got hung up today. In and out all day.
Let me see, what do I want for an OF that is collecting dust in my shop with no chance of ever being used. Ummmmm How about nothing, you pay to ship it. First I have to find it. but I'm sure its there.
You gonna work on the skimmer this weekend? If you can give me a day or two let me get some drawing done for some ideas. Can you go 6"? Big stuff besides the pipe is a union, reducer, flat cap. I got the collection cup from a container store for $8.00.
Step away from the duct tape and structural grade caulk!


Active Member
Cool sounds like an awesome deal.One i cant refuse. Let me know how much to ship I have a paypal account so i can get it to u that way. Or however u prefer. AWESOME> Plan on working on the skimmer this weekend but we just got a couple guests here till tuesday atleast if not longer.<We're foster parents also> Gonna try to go with 6 in if i can get to supply house 2moro to get it. Ill send the leftover to u if u want. If i cant gonna have to go with 4" Will need those pics if u can. Not sure exactly how yours is working. Think my cycle is completing now.
Tests read:
Been close to 3 weeks now. Is the ph ok at that level? I know 8.2 is ideal but hate adding uneeded chems. Brown algea everywhere now! Will give it a few days and see.
I started my cycle with old water from the fresh tank. Took old gravel bedding out and added sand from orange beach alababma, left it in for 3 days then removed the cichlid and added salt brought this up slowly to 1.021<over 1 week. Added some live rock duringthis week wich contained a couple emerald crabs, then 1 week later added some more LR. Left the old filter media in during the whole thing. The guy at theLFS said I killed the old bac when i added salt, maybe but my trates have been present the whole time. Bugged up a little but not much Trites just became present this week. AMMO has droppedto 0 today.


Active Member
Paypal is fine I just found it and I'll see if have parts for a durso stand pipe for it. No biggie! The PH is fine but bring your SG up to 1.025. Are you going reef?
Yes your almost there.
Cichlid keeper huh? Africans? I keep Africans for years (to many to count) until less then 2 years ago somone gave my a 55 salt tank. Well now its full and I'm building from scrap a 120. I also have a 125 that I plan to use on a 200+ tank next year.
Be very careful it just sucks you in and you can't stop. But I find SW reef just a tremendous amount of great fun.
BTW if you think kids get a kick out of fish you should see them with a reef tank. I have a 4-7yo and I don't know what they would do to me if I took "their" tank away.......
I'm done for the night so I'll grab your email tomorrow when where both here so it will be quick and painless and the email can be edited out. You don't wnat to leave stuff like that on here there are spammers abound.....


Active Member
Cool tim,
Midas Cichlids, Pretty orange looking guys. Frustating though. Cant keep tank organized, they keep moving everything around. AGGRESIVE too... Last one had killed everything in the tank, a large plecostamus too. Got feed up. Had a 29 also but gave that away last year. Plan on going reff but itll be slowgettin there, cost the factor there. Heck, iI started converting 3 weeks ago and am allready obsessed.... O(H well summers coming, the lakes warming and diving seasons on the hoof. So this will give me somethin cool to do in the winter months. I think my wifes even excited bout this so cool!


Active Member
Cool tim,
Midas Cichlids, Pretty orange looking guys. Frustating though. Cant keep tank organized, they keep moving everything around. AGGRESIVE too... Last one had killed everything in the tank, a large plecostamus too. Got feed up. Had a 29 also but gave that away last year. Plan on going reff but itll be slowgettin there, cost the factor there. Heck, iI started converting 3 weeks ago and am allready obsessed.... O(H well summers coming, the lakes warming and diving seasons on the hoof. So this will give me somethin cool to do in the winter months. I think my wifes even excited bout this so cool!
Ill be back on here this afternoon from 4:00 or so but gonna go see ice age 2night with the kids.


Active Member
Just got home here gonna taker these kids to see ice age in a while be back on later. may still be here for a while. got a stick of 6" sch. 40 and some reducers. Couldn,t find a tapered one though.


Active Member
back now 10:43 cent5ral. Want to build the skimmer 2moro. Need to see if i can get a sketch from you. If theres any way you can......noticed that the reducers are tapered on the inside.


Active Member
Hey Charlie you there? Sorry bud, If you could find a tapered fittings would be much better. 6" to 2" I think would work even it you has to go 6->4. Couple of tips. The output to the sump, use a 90 on the inside turned down to the bottom and a sliding coupler on the outside. This will be your water level adjustment. The inpit from the tank also should have a 90 on the inside to shoot the water around the side of the reaction chamber. This will cause less turbulence in the chamber for the bubbles to go up through the neck unimpeded.
I'll be able to tell you more.....


Active Member
11:05 are you there TIM? EMAIL IS: will delete this aftyer about 2:00. When you say a 90 on the inside do you mean turned at an angle to allow a cylone effect? So it,ll swirl around the camber/? Gonna be 6" reducers are tappered inside after all.- of em 6 -4 then 4 -2 sliding coupler bferoe it turns down or after? :thinking:


Active Member
Gotta go to a birthday party at 12:00<11:00 ur time>. Will be back around 2 my time. <THANK YOU> Gonna build the reaction chamber about 18-22 inches tall, should the 2 in be adjustable? Ill have alot of the 6" left over if u want some.
Gotta get a collection cup from somewhere. Try walmart and the dollar store I suppose.Dont know of any container stores. going to make a temp OF if i get far enough along with it today.


Active Member
Got it! Wife got me working around the house I'll send and email later.......
Don't glue anything jusr dry fit and send me pics.