Skimmer Scum...


So what are the actual componants of the green juice we all trash everyday?
Could there re-useable things here? What about as a plant fertilizer? Organic, to boot!
Well, just a thought. Let's hear it!!!


I'm looking around the house now for a willing houseplant to "volunteer" for this experiment!


Active Member
the only thing I could think of about that would be adding something from an ocean enviroment to a land enviroment. They never coexist in nature so something bad could happen. Let us know cause I am sure it would be a good fertilezer.
Sorry! You should NOT feed skimmer waste to any plants!! The salt content will kill them. No, I have not tried this, but I have a BS degree in Horticulture and Plant Pathology and am quite sure that this would be the result. Very, very few plants can tolerate any salt. I think that this subject did come up on a previous thread and someone had tried to give this to a plant and it died. If not for the salt I think it would be good.


Active Member
LOL, thomas
"Brand New Product from Marc Weiss......Mystery Scum! I dont know whats in it but go ahead and throw it in your tank.....something is bound to happen!"