Skimmer set up for a 75g

crypt keeper

Active Member
What is a good skimmer? Doesnt need to be the best. What size sump? I bought a 75 a few weeks ago and Im planning on setting it up. I have a 20 gallon breeder laying around. Will that be enough? How many returns should I put in? Im going to be using a HOB overflow due to it not being drilled and I dont want to mess with drilling. The back will be painted black so It wont be ugly looking.


I have the same question myself, unfortunately, I'm still researching the answer. I have a 70 gallon set up for close to 2 years, and my skimmer (Red Sea Prizm) went south due to a leak where the motor housing meets the plastic body of the skimmer. As far as HOB skimmers go, I have good and bad things to say about the Prizm. First, it's loud, and kinda big, but other than that, I thought it did a pretty good job AND I love the extra media basket that you can slide in. Perfect for a little extra carbon to polish up the tank.
That said, I am looking for a change. From what I read, either an Aqua C Remora or a Reef Octopus are the two best, depending on who you ask. Comperable models are comperable in price too. I'm leaning towards the remora because I know more people that have them than don't, and the Octopus looks a little bulky, and I can't seem to find what is considered to be a good skimmer that does not have the pump inside the tank!

crypt keeper

Active Member
Im still not getting answers on the 20 gallon. I want to do it myself. How many chambers how far apart should I place the glass? What type of silicone should i use? Should I use glass or plexiglass from home depot?


you could use your 20 gal as a sump no problem. theres plenty of links for proper placement of your baffels. when i made mine, i used glass from home Depot. easy to cut and aquarium sealent works great for installing them. as far as skimmers go i actually used an Odessy 75 (bought it online for like $75.00). im sure people will say its junk but ive never had a problem with it. i installed an outlet on the cup and ran a line down to a gallon jug under my tank (i do that with all my skimmers-costs sbout $6.00). i hope this helps a little