Skimmer set up


I am new to the fish scene, I bought a 90gal tank which came with everything but substrate and livestock. I have everything set up, water in the tank, temp 82, Spg 1.022 ph 8.3 lr and ls is on order should be here this week. I also have 30 gal in the garage same test results. My skimmer is not producing much foam, there is a "water level" mark on the skimmer. Do I fill the sump to the level of the mark on the skimmer? I don't know if it is set up correctly or not. I've tried to search for the answer but cannot find it. I have not gone to my lfs, you guys give better answers.


im not sure of your setup, but my skimmer is in a part of the sump, first compartment, that is almost filled to the top. it then spills onto a grate and "trickles" over the bio balls.
hope that helps, good luck