skimmer skimming? no foam ?


my seaclone 100 (yeah yeah i know i know) it isnt foaming, its been in for over a week now, the tank has been running over a month or so now... no foam ?
have a emperor 400 filter
fulval 404 filter
2 aquaclear 70's
1 aquaclear 20
seaclone 100 skimmer...
is it not foaming because my filters are gettin it all ????


yes I have it tuned so its like a cyclone inside the tube as well...
it worked awesome in my 37 gal ....


I took the whole thing apart last weekend and cleaned it all with HOT water, the impellar of the motor had a lil hair in there, cleaned that out as well, hooked all back up and within an hr it was foaming again, filled up 1 cup since it started working last weekend, tank looks damn better too !!!!