skimmer suggestions for a 750 gallon


I just wanted to get some ideas for a skimmer for my "coming soon" 750 gallon tank. I have no experience with larger systems and I want a really good skimmer (preferably under $1500). I will also be using an ASM g-4 along side the new one.


Active Member
In that price range the list is not long. I have no first hand experience but this is a short list of skimmers in that price range that should be up to the task.
any large or twin nozzle beckett (ex My Reef Creations MRC4 and up)
any large downdraft (ex ETSS 1400 and up)
Reeflo orca 250
Octopus FDNW-400


Active Member
Please do not take my comment as antagonistic or combative but I strongly urge that if budget is an issue, then a 750g is not a realistic option.
Chem and food alone runs a high pricetag. Combine with equip maint and energy consumption it become rediculous. The monthly salt cost alone for such sizable systems is beyond most hobbiests.
750g display so approx 1k total system? You are in arena of purpose built units at that size.
Now not to just sound so negative. It CAN be done on a budget. With eyes open however beware it truley will consume your life with such worry if you place such trust on budget based options when stable performance needs to be so reliable.
If you are building your masterpeice of a tank, then shop based on performance and buy the one you WANT, not just the one you can afford right now.
Dual ASM's will do it but it is considered a ghetto aproach when comparing the stats and performance options available on the larger units.. Long term benefits of self cleaning and ability for configuration changes for automation make the ASM's look silly. Once you do the math on how much your actually spending on the rest of the system you get a good feel for how much you are relying on the equip to perform with solid performance.


Active Member
After re-reading my post I figured I would just add to it instead of edit.
First being my appologies if I sounded like I am hen-pecking or not being supportive. you didnt scream that it was a MAX ceiling price of 1500. You were just poking for info. I recognize this.
No one just beginning would try such a system so you obviously have some salt time under your belt.
I should boil my opinion down into just saying please consider long term luxuries of the higher end models. I don't know how you feel about used equip but 1500 will not buy ANY skimmer I would put my 1000g system at risk on at new pricing. Long term peace of mind on larger tanks is NEVER taken lightly. Equip failures ruin buildings with these volumes. With all the above ramblings form me take this from it.
It is a very serious purchase for larger tanks. Skimmers can make or break the tolerance threshhold of your sanity with a life savings wrapped up in a tank. Your family will thank you for buying a nicer unit since they wont have to see you pace the room when away from home during tech difficulties that hapen with lower grade equip. They will gasp if they know how much you spent on a "fish-poop-bubbler-outer" when so many other less expensive models are out there. In the end it all about stability. You will naturally gravitiate towards others with larger tanks and when your family sees such nightmares THEY are going through with cheapo equip they will understand.
Choose wisley and go as high end on equip as you possibly can. Not just pricetag, but features and options even if they seem redundant or useless at time of purchase.
I am no brand snob. Each of us have our own soft spots for equip and get blindsided with our fondness. It wouldn't be accurate or fair for me to tell you about brands I have not personally used.
I would recommend AGAINST ASM or Octopus for this scope.
Again JMO


Originally Posted by ReefForBrains
Please do not take my comment as antagonistic or combative but I strongly urge that if budget is an issue, then a 750g is not a realistic option.
Chem and food alone runs a high pricetag. Combine with equip maint and energy consumption it become rediculous. The monthly salt cost alone for such sizable systems is beyond most hobbiests.
750g display so approx 1k total system? You are in arena of purpose built units at that size.
Now not to just sound so negative. It CAN be done on a budget. With eyes open however beware it truley will consume your life with such worry if you place such trust on budget based options when stable performance needs to be so reliable.
If you are building your masterpeice of a tank, then shop based on performance and buy the one you WANT, not just the one you can afford right now.
Dual ASM's will do it but it is considered a ghetto aproach when comparing the stats and performance options available on the larger units.. Long term benefits of self cleaning and ability for configuration changes for automation make the ASM's look silly. Once you do the math on how much your actually spending on the rest of the system you get a good feel for how much you are relying on the equip to perform with solid performance.
I understand that skimping on filtration isn't the way to go. I have a 250gal FOWLR with over 350 lbs of LR,an MSX250 and an ASM g4 which is to some a bit of "overkill". I was just wondering if the skimmers in the $1500.00 and under price range are worth taking a shot at for a tank my size and if it is wise to put two or three skimmers in for the time being. Of course I'd really like a bubble king 500, but are these skimmers worth every penny of the $5,000.00 price tag? I'm sure there's plenty of other skimmers out there for a much lower price that can easily handle my system and keep me from having to sell my kids. I've just never dealt with an aquarium this big and I'm just trying to get a good feel for what my options are.
O.k. well here's a list of possible skimmers that I've been thinking of, and I don't know if I mentioned it or not, but I'm trying to find something that will fit under my tank in the stand so it has to be 36" or less
ATI Bubble master 300
Reeflo orca 250
H&S 300 (over my preferred limit but will buy if worth the money)
2- MSX 250's
Octopus recirc 400
Please let me know if there are any others that come to mind.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ReefForBrains
I would recommend AGAINST ASM or Octopus for this scope.
Again JMO
well me too but he asked

I would have a near finalized system blue print before picking out any one thing and then choose what works within the framework of the plans. I would at least have a definitive location of it, preference/need for internal or external, preference for how its going to be plumbed/fed (pump, gravity, sump drop in) ect.
edit: looks like you already have an idea on what you need. no fish room or external equipment locations?