skimmer trouble


i have a sealife systems 150 and i got it producing foam but i cant get the foam to go all the way up into the collection cup. i got the water line where the have a mark for it which is as high as i can get it and it is still like 6-8 inches that the foam has to travel to reach the top. any one have any luck with these and know any tricks to them. and no another skimmer is not an option. thanks for any help


Active Member
Give it time. As new foam is created it pushes the old foam up. The amount and consistency will be determined by the amount of disolved organics in your water. If you're geting foam, just stay with it.
Good Luck!

sea worthy

Originally Posted by fishntx
its been a week and a half is that not too long should it have pushed to the top by now
if the foam stays low for long periods without overfowing it will congell on the sides of the skimmer in a thick brown-green mess. Which will,in time, close off the exit. Look inside and see if your starting to get a buildup :happyfish :happyfish


yes i have buildup on the sides from the waterline up about three inches. is this just part of the break in period just taking longer than most skimmers?


how long has your tank been up? your water may just be too clean which is a good thing. My skimmer didn't do anything until I removed my bio balls. Once that was gone, it started collecting a lot.

sea worthy

Originally Posted by fishntx
yes i have buildup on the sides from the waterline up about three inches. is this just part of the break in period just taking longer than most skimmers?
the thicker the buildup the harder it is for foam to rise up the collum,it will always stay in other words keep it clean.A break in period for a plastic riser is about 2-3 weeks Ive had the same problum