Skimmer Type (not Brand) Question


I am currently using a NW skimmer and will be upgrading soon. I have thought about getting another type of skimmer (Downdraft, Beckett, ect) because of the small footprint, ability to be external and remiote pump but wanted to get feedback on what different peope think is the best type of skimmer and Why. Brand is ok if you have a suggestion but type is primary.


Needle wheels like the Reef Octopus and Coralife Super Skimmer are my favorite. They work really well for not a lot of $$$.


Active Member
the only down side of a needlewheel is the amount of water processed per hour. because its aspirating air a good needlewheel with a 600gph pump is probably only processing 300gph of water and the rest air. a beckett or downdraft's dedicated pump is pushing nothing but water and air is drawn downstream so with a 1200gph pump your processing that much tank water (minus pressure loss). Basically tank turnover is much better with a beckett or downdraft so more water is being stripped per hour and electrical efficiency is better with a needlewheel since even large models require relatively small pumps (mostly because drawing air is less work than pushing just water).


Active Member
Another type is spray injection, AquaC uses this technology and I believe has a patent on it so they are the only ones using this design. It utilizes a nozzle that sprays a pressurized stream of water through an air baffle into the reaction chamber (think spraying a garden hose into a bucket of water). I really like the design it's very efficient, is not effected by varying water levels in your sump and is relatively maintenance free. You don't have to worry about a venturi intake plugging off with calcium or salt deposits, I have had mine for a year and I have cleaned the injection nozzle once and when I pulled it out I found that it didn't need cleaning it was still in good shape. I have gotten a little salt inside of the air intake valve a couple of times but it takes about 15 seconds to clean it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by re_vogel
So Aqua C (spray injection) would be better then beckett?
a properly designed beckett will run circles around the best EV aquaC (and almost anything else) and if thats not enough there are twin nozzle becketts however you will have to drive it with a large pressure rated pump that will probably draw 150-200 watts verses a 40w for an efficient pinwheel skimmer. few people are willing to run a dedicated 1800gph skimmer pump just to skim their 150g nor do they need to. I wouldn't even consider a beckett skimmer unless your talking over 300 gallons or larger (at which point you dont care about the electric bill and probably have a room isolating noise).
to answer the question a AquaC EV would be better than a beckett for 95% of people but it wont outskim one.
what size tank are we talking? if its a 90g or something lets not even worry about becketts and all but the smallest downdrafts.


Stanalee, that is exactly what I wanted, advice. Total volume is around 100 gal. So would another good NW (Octopus/Octopus Extreme) be the best option or should I look at something else (Downdraft/Beckett).


Active Member
the extreme series would be a great effective energy efficient option. the two basic pumps running most of the highly regarded newer pinwheel skimmers are some form of the sicce (octopus extreme series) and askoll (octopus pro series) pumps. Octopus are the cheapest route into that category of performance (with pinwheel/needlewheel the pump is the most important part followed by body and neck diameter that matches the pump size). you can get moderately better performance and quality using ATB, ATI, Warner marine ect using versions of the same pumps (or cone shaped skimmers using these pumps) but they cost 2-3x more.