skimmer vs wetdry filter with skimmer

I have a 55gl reef tank(fluval filter)..and my nitrates wet up to 20 and my nitrates are I went to two fish is telling me to get wetdry filter with skimmer attached to it. Another store is telling me that I do not need wetdry filter ..and telling me to get just a skimmer. I bought just a skimmer for now because I was afraid that nitrates and nitrites going to harm my fish... but now im confused..Its really hard to decide which store is right and which store is wrong:confused: Can you please give me some advice on this?


Active Member
Your fluval probally had some detris trapped inside it causing your trate problem. I would try removing the casister filter and just running a skimmer. See how that works for ya.

mr hanky

you dont need a wet/dry at all. use a skimmer only. you will soon learn that local pet stores generally just want to sell their product, the knowledge you get should be learned from people who actually have their own tanks, and have to care for them. not saying that the people at your pet store dont know what their doing its just money driven, not careing. the people on this board have been alot more help than the pet stores. get some good books too, ive learned more from them than anywhere. this hobby is completly driven on improvements to the tank,but simple still is the best way! hope this helps, mr hanky
got fluval and a separate skimmer, and they are doing fine. Is gonna be close to a year no problems. Got in my fluval AMMO CHIPS, and PRE-FILTER BIOCHIPS, and the two regular foam pads... I rinse the pads two moths after first set up, and at six months after... I do water change 25% every two to three months... so there u go if u wanna spend the money!


Active Member
and my nitrates wet up to 20 and my nitrates are .25
Are you getting a Nitrite reading? If so that would indicate something has died in your tank, or your tank is newly set up? IS the tank new, or have you added anything lately. Nitrates would have to be highly concentrated to affect your fish. Wet-dry filters lack the ability to break down nitrates so its not unusual to see a small concentration in tanks running this form of filtration, usually around 20-40 ppm, which is not dangerous but you can get it down to zero. A good skimmer will help in the long run by removing certain organics that can lead to nitrates, but youll want a form of filtration that is capable of breaking down nitrates into free nitrogen, do a search on denitrification and deep sand beds. HTH