


I've heard that you shouldn't put in a protein skimmer during your cycle to ensure that you will not lose any of the essential bacteria & other beneficial substances, but how far after your cycle do you put one in? I'm not sure where I am, but two days ago my ammonia was 0.25 and my nitrites were 5.0 and my trates were something like 40, and now, suddenly, nitrites are 0.25 and trates are closer to 20. Random? Wonderful! Now just to get my pH up from 7.8 to 8.3. >:O
Anyway, when do I put in the skimmer? Thanks, all.


Alright, thanks. :)
Any brand suggestions? I have a 46 bow that I plan on making into a reef. Should I get a UV?


Im a big fan of the Remora HOT skimmer or there is sump version called the Urchin. They retail at about $200 and work very very well. I have also heard good things lately about the Prizm skimmers but havent had any actual experience with them.
I wouldnt use a UV sterlizer on a reef tank.


Active Member
Whatever you do, don't buy a skimmer until you can afford a decent one. The decent ones go for around $150 usually. Anything drastically below that price and you run the risk of buying a cheap brand that does not work.
Two models to avoid are Visi-Jet and Seaclone. I personally have the Visi-Jet, and it is not worth the packaging it was supplied in.


Two models to avoid are Visi-Jet and Seaclone. I personally have the Visi-Jet, and it is not worth the packaging it was supplied in.
Heh, the Visi-jet. I had that once I could never even get it to skim, I guess thats what happens when you buy a 30 dollar skimmer.
On the plus side it provided a nice low power powerhead for one of my smaller tanks :)


Active Member
I converted my visi-jet into an airstone-driven skimmer. It works now, but I am still going to buy a new one when I get my next paycheck.


IMO, you can add your skimmer when you first start your cycle. Your skimmer will not start to pick up until about 1-2 weeks. Just Take the skimmers drain and have it go back into the sump. Basically you’re not taking away because you’re putting the pickup back into the tank water and at the same time your getting your skimmer ready.