

Active Member
Unfortunately, Seaclones are junk.
For a little more money, you can pick up a Coralife Super Skimmer...which are exceptionally good skimmers, for the price.


I had a seaclone in my 75 gal it works good if you play with it everyday. when water levels change the seaclone will stop working or if it gets to dirty it will stop working. It is just a pain in the butt now I have a prizm pro and it takes less cleaning but it will blow water all over the floor for no reason. I think the more you pay the less work you will have to do, they all work some what.


Originally Posted by AW2
Unfortunately, Seaclones are junk.
For a little more money, you can pick up a Coralife Super Skimmer...which are exceptionally good skimmers, for the price.
i couldnt agree more with ya aw2 seaclones are crap css
thats what i run on my ninety gal and its great i wish they made bigger ones that way i would one them on my 180 and 240 heres some pics of my 220 css in action


john a

I have always had great luck with seaclones (IF U KEEP THEM CLEAN) like every week u have to rinse them off.


New Member
I have hooked up the Seaclone skimmer and I am bummed about 2 things. First, microbubbles throughout the tank. Secondly, the air mixing with the water in the cylinder is pretty loud. Is there anything that can be done about these 2 things. Is this a Seaclone issue or would I have this issue with any skimmer?


Active Member
Nop skimmer is gonna starat right off and work like it should. The seaclown as well as any othe rksimmer needs a breaking period to wash off all the mold release agents etc used duruing manufacture, so don;t get too upset with it until its run for a week or so.....BUT its still a seaclone, and they do not carry the best reputation for working. Those that do work usually always require constant fiddling with and have to be kept really clean, and then they are borderline at that. I wont go to the extent and say they are junk, as they do work, with constant adjustments and fiddling with them, but they do produce skim. They just are not as efficieint or easy keepers as other skimmers are. For a few bucks more yu could have had a coralife super skimmer that would indeed do the job, and do it quietly, without the need to continually fiddle with it.....There are mods that folks have done to the seaclone to make it better, but for what they cost you should not have to mod a thing for it to work properly witout constant fiddling.


New Member
The skimmer is only noisy when I allow air to pass through the venturi valve...Do you think it would be ok if I occasionally closed the valve stopping the air, thus preventing the noise, or does the air need to be provided 24/7 in order for the skimmer to be effective?