


I'm working on a 55 gallon tank, wanting to add live rock, anemones,and coral....................What type of filter would be best ...Do I really need a wet/dry system? Do I need a Skimer only outfit or will my Skilter 250 handle the load? Would adding another Skilter help?



Originally posted by Reef Ranger:
wet/dry and a skimmer are to a reef as gasoline is to a car, w/o it, being a beginner you will run into many problems.

What would be good wet/dry system to buy? About how much are they? Is my skilter 250 a good enough skimmer? Thanks for the help!!!


I agree with ranger ... you need a good skimmer (I have a skilter set up in my hospital tank, it works ok for that)[



Originally posted by krazzydart:
I agree with ranger ... you need a good skimmer (I have a skilter set up in my hospital tank, it works ok for that)[

Which way would be better for me to go, Would I be better off gitting a Fluval canister or should I git a good Skimmer and use the Skilter just as a power filter. What is a good Skimmer to git?


You would be wise to take rangers advice on the cyclone. Canisters and such are great for fish-only set-ups but simply won't do in a reef.


New Member
I have to also agree with ranger on this subject. If you are going to do a reef, spend the extra cash on equipment now. If you don't, you will be later on. Money on the right equipment and then on new corals and fish. Buy any of the ones that ranger listed, they all perform great. Do not skimp on a skimmer it will end up being your best friend. Trust me I tried going cheap, and then regretted it.


Now you understand why I went fish-only, 'cause I could only afford an arm not the leg!!!


New Member
I have a 20 gallon with fish and live rock and I want to add a skimmer and then some corals.
I saw a SeaClone skimmer that I can hang on my tank (I have no sump). This skimmer is rated for tanks of up to 100 gallons. Does anyone know anything about this skimmer?
[This message has been edited by Admin5 (edited 02-24-2000).]


New Member
Gregg: I saw the same skimmer at an online fish store for 62 dollars. I have a 65 and a 55 gallon tank without a skimmer. Will this 62 dollar skimmer do? I hate to spend 300 dollars on skimmer. So far, i havn't had any fish die off(except for a tang murdering my butterfly fish). What do the experts say?



Originally posted by Reef Ranger:
that skimmer will do the job just fine. a skimmer is vital to both of your set-ups.

I took your advice reef ranger. I bought a CPR Cyclone. Hooked it up last night. Thanks for the advice. If it wasn't for people like you, I would still be waisting money on junk......Thanks