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Does the same job. Less chance of flooding should the power go out (unless the sump is totaly enclosed and tight scealed.) Takes up a lot of room on the back of the tank. Usualy simpler to setup. Good for smaller tanks. Can be a bit of an eye sore.
I have a hung skimmer on my 40G. When I go bigger Ill have a Sump type with my little Hung as an emergency backup.
my sump is not closed or sealed and cannot flood.. that cannot happen if u set it up correctly.. my sump also cannot overfill my tank if the intake ever gets clogged, for ANY reason.. i have a low water level cut off switch that i bought at a hardware store as a safe guard.. its just a normal sump shut off for a house.. one with no mercury inside, lol... costed a little over $20.. if the power goes out, my sump has enough room to allow water to drain from tank.. the siphon from the return hose can be broken by drilling a hole in the return head, below the water level.. this will stop it from sucking water in that hose when it gets down to the hole.. i am flood proof baby!
they do sell smaller cut off switches for sumps, but this one can get all the algae it wants and will not effect the operations of it.. its basically just a rubber floaty thing that when it gets to a certain angle, it shuts the pump off.. when the water fills up the sump to make the float raise to about a 45 degree angle, the pump will come back on all by itself... the pump plugs into the back of the plug for the cut off switch, just like christmas tree lights...