
cats eye

Hey guys, I was wondering I have a 75 gallon tank and wanted to know what you guys thought about the prizm deluxe skimmer, it is for up to 100 gallon and I got a 75 gallon, it is $105, should I get it?


Do you have a sump? If so, skip the prizm and get a better skimmer. I used to have a prizm and it was OK. My current tank is drilled and has a sump and I use a Euroreef. It is sooooo much better.

cats eye

Thanks for the response, no I donet have a sump. How much is a sump and a euroreef
What size is your tank and what gallon is your skimmer and sump. I dont really know much about skimmers, so any extra infor would be appreciated.


all the sumps I have seen for sale range between $300 and $500. A good protein skimmer between $200 and $400 I think.
If you are a DIYer make your own sump, it's not very complicated.

cats eye

Do you know how to make your own sump? If so could you tell me. So I should get a Euroreef ES5-3 150 gallon skimmer for my 75 gallon tank and build a sump, huh, sounds good. Now I just gotta save up


I just hooked up my Aqua C EV 120, & its taken out about 3 gal ( 24 hr) of yellow water in my 120. Still adjusting.


Sumps do not cost that much. You might be thinking of a wet dry. A sump is just a tank or rubber maid sitting under your display tank. For example, I have a 55g tank. Mine is drilled internally, but if yours is not you would buy an overflow kit. These might be around $50. You could then you a 10 or 20g tank as your sump. YOu would then need a retunr pump. I use a Mag 7 which is around $80. My Euroreef skimmer was around $200.


Active Member
Don't know why everyone bashes the Prizm. Other than taknin a mod on mine, I have the Deluxe Pro. Guessing that all have had trouble with the air flow regulator clogging up with salt. No big deal, I just took that darn lil peice of garbage out of the loop. If you decide to get a Prizm, before you fill it with water, unscrew the air line regulator, and pull the line hose away from the guts its attached to at the bottom, then put the lid back on. It actually skims quite nicely with that air flow, all kinds of nasties come up out of there...


No one is prizm basing....they just don't work all that well for a big tank. I had one for a couple years and like I was OK. I have found my insump skimmer that is 4 times the size of my prism is much better and only cost about twice as much.