

I need to get a new skimmer the one i have is a piece of junk, it doesnt skim hardly anything.
I have a 120 i dont want an other peice of junk but also dont want to spend a fortune. i dont know what way to go since i have no clue on what brand is good. What would you guys use?


Active Member
what makes a skimmer "Apear" to be working? sorry ive never seen one so I wouldnt know wethere one is better than another.
honestly im working out a solution whee i can make my own skimmer. was wondering how Ill be able to tell if it works good or not.


Also i would like it to be an out of sump skimmer,
king you will be able to tell if its working by how much poo it is removing from your water(it collects it in the cup on top of skimmer)
4x4 thanks i will take a look at those
anyone else


Active Member
so its not the amount of foam...but rather the color and consistency of it?
poo...i assume that means the foam will be green or brown.
when cleaning it that means i use gloves right, and also putting it in the garbage via paper towels instead of rinsing into the sink?
i guess i never thought of skimmer cleaning up turds...always considered it just bacteria.


New Member
go with the top of the line euroreef skimmers.. pretty expensive but they do the job.. Mine pulls all kind of stuff out of the water


Active Member
Originally Posted by King_Neptune
so its not the amount of foam...but rather the color and consistency of it?
poo...i assume that means the foam will be green or brown.
when cleaning it that means i use gloves right, and also putting it in the garbage via paper towels instead of rinsing into the sink?
i guess i never thought of skimmer cleaning up turds...always considered it just bacteria.
i rinse the cup out once a week. and i never wear gloves while doing it. i just wash my hands afterwords.


ASM are great skimmers, and I believe with a little ingenuity can be modded to wrok out of the sump - but they are designed to be an "in-sump" skimmer. I use a G3 on my 75 and it is just amazing. Octopus skimmers are the same design as ASM (They bought the deisgn from ASM) but they use slightly cheaper parts to make the skimmer more affordable.
Originally Posted by King_Neptune
when cleaning it that means i use gloves right, and also putting it in the garbage via paper towels instead of rinsing into the sink?
Never wear gloves. Putting the paper towels in the garbage will quickly stink up the whole house. If you've never smelled skimmate you are in for one eye watering, nose burning, stomach turning suprise the first time you do.