

hi all i'm looking to upgrade my skimmer right now i have a p.o.s "SeaClone Protein Skimmer" i dont have a sump so it will need to be a hob skimmer its going on a 55 gal. i'm thinking of buying a Coralife Super Skimmer Needle Wheel 220. anyother sugestions on a good skimmer? i can spend around $250 but if i could spend less that would be awsome


Active Member
I would go with an Octopus or an AquaC Remora over the coralife both are much better skimmers. I am partial to the AquaC because I like the spay injection nozzle much better than the venturi that the Octopus uses.


Originally Posted by wallie03
i dont have a sump so it will need to be a hob skimmer its going on a 55 gal. i can spend around $250 but if i could spend less that would be awsome

If f you have the room look at the Octopus BH 300F. Good skimmer for the money.