skimmerless experiment 5-pack



Originally posted by skilos1
what's your lighting? the sps don't look too hot, esp. the encrusting monti. It looks as though its about dead. What is your clacium and alk at? Also start feeding that anemone more, it is starting to bleach.

What do you mean? The Nothing is bleaching.


When I recieved the orange monti it was light orange on the bottom. I was hoping it would get darker but has not gotten worse.


I have mag 24 return pump 2200 ghp
Via aqua power head 1000 ghp
that's about 3200 ghp of flow through the tank
Actually with the anemone when it opens wide the colors tend to expand. At the time of the picture it was open wide.


Thanks for the advice. Well remember I'm not posting perfect specimens, I'm posting pictures of the tank whether they are good or bad. These specimens have been in thank for 4 days and they are still adjusting to the tank. I hope they all rebound and color up. Just showing pictures of my progress, not teaching class on the perfect specimens.
Will do on the extra flow.
thanks skilo.


How tall is your tank? What is the length of your tank? Are all of the VHO's Actinic? I am think that you need some more lighting


Active Member
Trying not to be judgemental on this tank druluv.
I agree with your experiment on running a tank with natural biofiltration and no skimmer. I think that is a fine thing to try. No argument from me on that.
But from a previous post, you listed the following animals all being added in the month of April. This month ?
Is this correct ?
Some would say that you may be stocking too fast.
Some would say not.
I think that you are adding too many creatures to an immature tank - no matter what method of filtration or however you choose to run the tank.
Is this really an accurate list of animals added to a less than one month old marine tank, or am I mistaken ??
Live Stock: Date status
Yellow tang med - 4/07/04
Blue Regal med - 4/15/04
maroon clown tiny - 4/15/04
neon gobie - med - 4/15/04
Kole Tang - 4/20/04
yellow pymgy angel - 4/20/04
Neon Blue Gobie -4/22/04
tiny soft frag elegant toad?- 4/15/04
tiny green finger - 4/17/04
ToadStool Leather - 4/22/04
Fox Coral - 4/20/04
Bubble Coral White - 4/22/04
Candy Cane - 4/22/04
Button Coral - 4/22/04
Plate Coral Orange - 4/22/04
Green umbrella Mushroom - 4/20/04
Green ricordea Mushroom - 4/20/04
Zoo - 4/20/04
Mushroom rocks - 4/20/04
Dersa Clam - 4/22/04
Montipora Encrusting Orange - 4/22/04
Leaf Plate Montipora - 4/22/04
clump ball sponge - 3/15/04
sand sifter star - 4/15/04
blood red cleaner shrimp - 4/17/04
cleaner shrimp - 4/17/04
hermit crabs
Sand sifting cucumbers - 4/19/04
various Snails -
Sally Light Foot - 4/20/04 - Good algae eater
sand sifting crabs - always addding
Cleaner Clams -
Rose Bubble Tip Anemone -
Future Out Look:
Next Week My shipment of corals are coming in and Chiller


Thanks for imput broomer:
The stock that has been added has not impacted the system in no way. If you look at the water parms the water is clean. If the reverse were true then broomer you would be right.
The live rock that I'm using has been in a pervious system for year. The immediate problem I have is with the new montis I added.
I feel that the Montis have not adjusted to the lighting and the flow as yet. The montis are showing signs of improvement as
time goes on. Sometimes it can take a couple of weeks before sps coral are fully acclimated. It seems like lps and softies have a easier time of getting acclimated then the sps.
In addition most of the fish I added have jobs. The kole, angel, and yellow tang are for algae control. neon gobies help with the parasites. Tiny clowns have no impact on a 180 gallon tank.
As far as lighting, I think the montis may be receiving too much light. The Montis are sitting on top off a 250 watt MH, and 4 160 watt vhos - 3 actinics & 1 10K. I'll wait and see by the end of the week to check the montis progress.


aren't you trying to create natural reef tank with all natural nature that many fish aren't in such a small area....for skimmerless system i would go with a smaller bioload...just my 50 cents
If you start seeing some pollution problems i would remove some of the fish and inverts
Good luck, experiments are always welcome in this hobby....who knows maybe you can maintain a clean tank with that bioload without a skimmer..


skilos1 Dude no harm no foul!
I am open to every one suggestions and criticisms. It is an experiment and I'm pushing the envelope. The other coral are doing fine. So I hope the montis will rebound. I should be very weary when I receive shipment of corals. I got a bad load from ***********.com I lost one coral with out putting it in the tank yet. The coral started melting in the bag it was ship in( torch coral). They ended up giving me a credit for it. The orange encrusting coral look exactly like that when I received it.
Which leads me to start rating some off these on line reef shippers.
It is all a learning experience. I'm sure someone out there is learning something out there.
reefer- look up in the post, my water chem is clean