Skimmers and powerheads


ok here's my questions
anyone know if the Prizm Deluxe Skimmer sold on this site is any good? seems to be a good price unless someone knows a better one for a 55 gallon tank that would be cheaper and also
How many GPH do i want from powerheads in my 55 gallon tank?
can i get one big one or is a few smaller ones better?
Thanks for all the help


Active Member
i've had one on my 55 for awhile, but it was terrible compared to other skimmers. adjustment seems easier than usual, but after cleaning it takes a bit of tuning. i will tell you that i don't like it's power, seems to trickle unless you have it wide open. i didn't do that unless i was right there as it will fill all the way to the lid and i thought it might someday overflow to the floor. i suppose it does do something though as i still had to clean it all the time. for a smaller tank 20-40 i would say ok, but it's not going to be your best bet for a 55.
they are pretty good at marketing though i must admit. they take the mystery out of protein skimmers and give people a simple plug and play whisper looking thing.
powerheads, i like more smaller ones to create drifting currents rather than a huge wave maker. i use a few powersweeps of various sizes. i like to use varying sizes to create stronger and weaker currents in different places. it really becomes apparent when you start to see some things (fish/inverts) move into comfortable levels of water movement. if you are thinking of a bigger tank 120+ in the future maybe a bigger powerhead is in order. some of my smaller ones are pretty worthless in the 125.


Save the money for a better skimmer if possible, many folks have a prizm skimmer collecting dust or are in the garbage, many other folks use them. I think they are mainly overpriced for what you get. One other thing - almost all in sump skimmers are better than hang on skimmers. If you are looking for a hang on then look for the Excaliber skimmer.
On a 55 gallon I would use at least 3 Maxi Jet 900's, maybe 4. Best bang for the buck. One large powerhead will not give you even flow through the tank and you will wind up with dead spots.


thanks for the info i'll be getting a skimmer soon
so once i get the skimmer my tank set up will be
60lb of marine sand
10lbs (maybe more soon i found some on ---- for 2.95 a lb) of live rock
a 60 gallon hang on regular filter
an undergravel filter which i will be removing
and 6 black mollies
is there anything else i should be doing in order to cycle my tank
is there a problem with adidng more uncured live rock to my tank wihle the cycle has already begun
and what do people think of fiji live rock? it seems to be more plain than some other rock but less expensive....think it will look better after some natural things grow on it?
Thanks again for all the info so far