"Skimmers are useless for FOWLR tanks"


New Member
I was told this by a LFS. How true is it? he claims that skimmers should only be used on reef tanks. I though skimmers remove organic waste from the fish thus help reduce Nitrates. Am I wrong??


Active Member
Skimmers are definately not useless for any type of marine tank. You are correct in that they remove dissolved organics from the water which lead to elevated amounts of nutrients in the water if not removed.


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by JimmyY2KWS6
I was told this by a LFS. How true is it? he claims that skimmers should only be used on reef tanks. I though skimmers remove organic waste from the fish thus help reduce Nitrates. Am I wrong??

I think you are right.
My thought is that skimmers are always optional. The best (and unavoidable) way of removing nitrates is to have the plant life consume them. To me the price of a skimmer would be better spent on a larger system for instance. And plant life in refug or not will be required and present anyway.


Active Member

Originally posted by JimmyY2KWS6
I was told this by a LFS. How true is it? he claims that skimmers should only be used on reef tanks. I though skimmers remove organic waste from the fish thus help reduce Nitrates. Am I wrong??

They are wrong! Skimmers remove bi products of fish waste and coral waste, invert waste, thus reducing the buildup of phosphates and NO3 NO4 levels in your tank.. Hardly a waste.


Active Member

Originally posted by beaslbob
I think you are right.
My thought is that skimmers are always optional. The best (and unavoidable) way of removing nitrates is to have the plant life consume them. To me the price of a skimmer would be better spent on a larger system for instance. And plant life in refug or not will be required and present anyway.

I agree with you Bea but also dissagree. I dont think we can house enough plants to accomplish the needed rate of removel. Plants do consume but not at the rate at which we INPUT with a fish , coral, invert feeding and waste in our tanks.


Active Member
In my opinion, I would start looking around for a different LFS, or at least avoid that guy's advise in the future.
Lot's of ways to run a marine tank - but to make a statement like that - without supporting it with some other method - is nonsense.


If skimmers are useless for FOWLR tanks then all the waste i just removed from the collection cup on my skimmer must have no benefit on my system.


what is up with LFS
this one is not only uninformed, but also a bad salesperson.
run dont walk to other LFS or other person in you store.


New Member
I am definately getting a skimmer. When I was told this at the LFS I did not really believe him. I will be getting a Berilin HO or a Turbofotor HO on my 120 FOWLR. I am just trying to figure out which one is quieter? Thanks


Active Member
They are really a bad salesperson..They get paid to sell and then turns down a potential $150 +/- sale:notsure: . A skimmer is a muts in any type of SW tank. I run one on my 20 mantis tank, and it pulls out a bunch of gunk. Also plants will not do the job alone.


a great first skimmer is the prizm pro.
make sure its the PRO up to 300gal.
very user frendlly and well under $200.
$140-170 with delivery on ---- or other on-line sale.
good luck