Skimmers - can't decide.


New Member
Over the past several months I have been trying to decide on a skimmer for my soon to be set up tank. At one point I had decided on a Prism, then I saw a "bare bones" Saline Solutions skimmer in a LFS - just add powerhead and airstone. Now, someone in my area has a Knop hang on skimmer for sale used. I have heard a lot of praise for the Prism, and I have also heard that the Knop is prone to overflowing.
Any recommendations? It's for a 75 gal., I haven't decided yet if it will be a reef or FOWLR. I don't have a sump, so it will need to be a hang-on type skimmer.


Active Member
I love my Prism. For the money you can't beat it I feel. Once you get it set right it does a heck of a job.


are the Berlin AirLift's any good. i know they are air powered in-tank designs but do they do the job as well as a traditional skimmer???


Staff member
Puffer, I know everyone loves there prizm, but, for myself, it is ok, but nothing to brag about.
How much skimmate do you get out of it. It seems that most of the skim waste just accumulateds in the neck of the cup rather than much spilling over into the cup itself. I'm thinking about getting something better, myself. I will say that the new impeller has made the prizm quiet down a bit.
I'm still looking for that near-silent skimmer though. :D


Active Member
While I dont own a prizm I have seen them operating on a few tanks. I personally would not put one on anything larger then a 30 gal. even though the company says they are good for up to a 90.


Active Member
Beth; I am not easily satisfied with equipement but the Prism I have is great. I get about a half a cup full each week (both sides of cup). When I empty it it is a brownish green color so I know it is gunk not good stuff. I am sure there are better items out there but for the 69 dollars I paid for it I am happy. Mine is on my 58 Reef tank along with a Emperor 400 and a Hagen 301 powerhead with pre- filter and that is it. The tank was set up a year ago last May and has worked like a charm ever since. All the corals grow and show great colors, and the fish are still all the original ones (less a pair of firefish) I put in when I set it.


I don't like the prism or the knop they are poorly made imo. But they are withing buget. The best hangon is Lifereef. No question but fair priced ones would be remora or remora pro. IME hangons you can't get to much skimming due to the small size. Lifereef is the only one. Theres berlin ,turboflotor but the hangones any kind aren't really that good due to pump limits. A good dependable well made small on is percision marine hot. Just like the knop but welll made with higher grade acylic also set up for a waste collector so it won't overflow


New Member
Thanks for the input everyone. It looks like the Prism is still quite popular. I was hoping to get a bit of feedback on the Knop.
I have a Remora Pro and it skims like crazy. Go with the Mag Drive pump though. The Remora now comes with an overflow outlet too.


Staff member
Ironreef, can you give more details about the LifeReef? Who makes it?
Also, Cayman, I was considering geting the RemoraPro but heard it was pretty noisy?
I was also thinking about getting a stand alone [as I have no sump and don't want one] Any recommendations on that?


Life reef do a search with there name lifereef on the web. They are probally the #1 custom sump skimmer makers. The make cal reactor ect. But the reactor and skimmers theres alot of ppl who make them just as well. But they've been around along time. They are just the only ones who make hang ons. Knop skimmers over 50% of the ppl who own these have flooding probs. Including me. If you can't find Lifereef webpage mail me and I'll send it.