Skimmers for nanos


Ok so I wanna try and set up I guess a 10 gallon tank. Now for you guys that have done this do you guys use a skimmer or no?
I will have inverts in there as well as corals. I dont know what kinda fish to add yet but im doing my resurce and looking at your guys pics to see what you have going on with yours. So if you guys wanna post some pics of your setup for me too that be great so I can get some ideas.


i have a prism skimmer on my 10
contemplating taking it off



Active Member
i have a 20 gallon and i dont have a skimmer. i have a eclipse covering and built in bio wheel filteration


hey Susies your in Townson? lol I dont live far from that place. I was just up there a few months ago my band played the big break show for HFS at the Recher. Hit me up sometime on AIM.


Active Member
I gravity feed to a fuge, supporting my 10g, and run carbon once a week or twice a month. I still don't know the total specifics on what exactly carbon does, however it makes a noticeble difference in water clearity. Unless you plan on going rouge, and having SPS', a skimmer isn't too needed. IMHO