

Hey Guys i am in desperate need for a skimmer and i need some help choseing one for a 130G Reef. I want to go on a bit of an over kill wih the skimmer so can you guys recommend a couple of good skimmers that will be suitable for a 200Gallon reef. Thanks!!!



Originally posted by MrMaroon
get the biggest Euroreef you can afford!

i've seen a few of these on others tanks and man are they huge. this is what i would reccomend basing that on zero experience with them.


Thanks guys, i can't get euro reef in SA... Or i haven't found a place that stocks them. My LFS expert ses that a sea ____ is really good and he recommends them for all reef tanks, its not that expensive only around $260 for a skimmer that'll support around 300Gallons. And i got myself a red sea Sailfin Tang today to help with my hair algae problem. Its a really pretty fish! We get them quite alot here but are the rare in the states?


Active Member

Originally posted by FLATZBOY
my reef creations, mr2 skimmer.:D

Also with duel injectors. You will be like this :eek: