skin rash from hand being in tank?


I was wondering if you had cuts, even small ones on your hand that sticking your hand in your tank could introduce something into your body that would cause a allergic reaction where you get a rash over your whole body? What about getting the siphon on the u-tube for the overflow started and get some saltwater in your mouth, would that be troublesome and cause reactions. I am wanting to know if there is anyone else on here that has had this problem. I have gloves, birthing cow type gloves, vinyl gloves and orange dish washing gloves. I got a little salt water on a cut last night and seem to be breaking out in a rash once again. *sigh* I wonder if my tank is doing this too me? So depressed if soo.


Active Member
I scaped my finger on one of the live corals in the tank and got a wart on my finger after that, but you should becareful you can get something serious from the tank.


Active Member
it's never happened to me, but sure it can happen. some people are just more prone to allergic reactions than others.


Buy some aquarium gloves man!.. :joy:
You can get them for 20$ or so... they go up to the shoulder.
You shouldn't be putting your bare hands in there anyways, you can introduce harmful chemicals or other contaminants.


Active Member
I have to wear gloves. Anytime the water from the tank touches my skin I get itchy, but I have lots of allergy problems.


yes saltwater tanks do produce alot of bacteria and this could cause an infection or rash.i would be extra careful handeling zooanthids aka ''zooanthia'' because they can produce a nuero toxin when reproducing.just a helpful tip!


and about getting saltwater in your mouth,that is one of the worst things you can not baggin on you i just wanna let you know so you dont become ill.if you are siphoning water try to cup your hand over the hose and suck so it hits your hand before your mouth.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mushroomss
and about getting saltwater in your mouth,that is one of the worst things you can not baggin on you i just wanna let you know so you dont become ill.if you are siphoning water try to cup your hand over the hose and suck so it hits your hand before your mouth.
man i cant tell u how much salt water ive swallowed from my tank


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefreak29
man i cant tell u how much salt water ive swallowed from my tank
:scared: :scared: :scared: Do you guys have really short syphon tubes? I always watch were the water is......they pee in that water. YUCK!!!
As far as putting your hands in the tank, please invest in some gloves, really cheap compared to doctor's bills. :thinking:


Active Member
you should always be cafrefull when reaching into your tank cytotoxins abound in there especially zooanthids there are some that will send you to the hospital in short order. open wounds are dangerous. plus like mentioned above every time you reach in there bare handed your introducing pollution (cologne, deoderant, soap, nicotine from your fingers if you smoke) nitcotine is very posinous. your water can even collect it out of the air.


well we all know the risks of sticking our hands in the tanks but I know Ive put my hand in with cuts all the time and nothing has happened (knock knock), I even cleaned tanks at my LFS and had prolonged exposure to coral water with open cuts and have never had a problem. If anything Ive found the saltwater tends to heal wounds faster, maybe im just lucky....


Originally Posted by stsweene
well we all know the risks of sticking our hands in the tanks but I know Ive put my hand in with cuts all the time and nothing has happened (knock knock), I even cleaned tanks at my LFS and had prolonged exposure to coral water with open cuts and have never had a problem. If anything Ive found the saltwater tends to heal wounds faster, maybe im just lucky....
Nothing like getting a little cut by rock or stug by coral, I usually only use gloves cleaning the skimmer. You have to get a 'feel' for your tank :thinking: .
Bigger problem is getting burned by the lights.....


Active Member
Originally Posted by stsweene
well we all know the risks of sticking our hands in the tanks but I know Ive put my hand in with cuts all the time and nothing has happened (knock knock), I even cleaned tanks at my LFS and had prolonged exposure to coral water with open cuts and have never had a problem. If anything Ive found the saltwater tends to heal wounds faster, maybe im just lucky....
I agree. It is luck of the draw for the most part, but if you have any condition that makes your immune system weaker you are at an increased risk of getting a nasty infection if you have an open cut or sore on your hands when rooting through the tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bonebrake
I agree. It is luck of the draw for the most part, but if you have any condition that makes your immune system weaker you are at an increased risk of getting a nasty infection if you have an open cut or sore on your hands when rooting through the tank.
i can tell u im in much more danger at work , working at a treatment plant we do need to be very carefull with open wounds


Active Member
I have from time to time over the past 15 yrs or so broken into a rash, but nothing major....It seems it usually happens when I change salt brands or change something chemically with a system......My hands are deep in tanks 5 out 7 days a week and never wear gloves, but understand the risks......I've thought about the shoulder gloves, but sometimes you just need the "feel" you can't get with gloves......just like a mechanic and you try wearing gloves for delicate work......Sometimes it's more about feel than safety, but just like any hobby there's risks......