Skinny blue tang


Can anyone tell me the disease(not sure about the right word) my blue tang cannot open his mouth I thought I read somewhere about that disease. Can someone help me?


Originally Posted by eliteaqua
Can anyone tell me the disease(not sure about the right word) my blue tang cannot open his mouth I thought I read somewhere about that disease. Can someone help me?
You will have to give us more info than that. Do you have a picture? How long have you had the tang? What sized tank is this? What are the readings for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, ph, sg, and temp? How long has the tank been set up? What have you tried to feed him?


I asked a question, I have been doing this long enough. My water perameters do not mean anything and like it says SKINNY blue tang cannot open his mouth, Now last night I got him to eat by handfeeding him but he like slurps it into his mouth. All I asked if anybody new the name of that disease when they cannot open his mouth. If you don't know thank you for reading my post.


Originally Posted by eliteaqua
I asked a question, I have been doing this long enough. My water perameters do not mean anything and like it says SKINNY blue tang cannot open his mouth, Now last night I got him to eat by handfeeding him but he like slurps it into his mouth. All I asked if anybody new the name of that disease when they cannot open his mouth. If you don't know thank you for reading my post.
Is there any redness in or around his mouth area? If so then that is a bacterial infection. Do you see anything long and white or clear sticking out? If so then he has a worm in his mouth. The water readings mean a great deal. Rudeness is not gong to get you very far with people that are trying to help you.


No discoloration at all. I am not being rude but if you look at all these posts right away "pics and perimeters" that is all anyone ask for then most of the time it does not go any further. All I am trying to do is find out where I can read about this, I have read it before and now cannot find it.


Originally Posted by eliteaqua
No discoloration at all. I am not being rude but if you look at all these posts right away "pics and perimeters" that is all anyone ask for then most of the time it does not go any further. All I am trying to do is find out where I can read about this, I have read it before and now cannot find it.
Everything that I ask is for a reason and I always answer further. As far as a link, we cannot provide that. Google it. How long have you had this tang? I am happy to help you, but you have to provide some backgroud information. This does not happen in a day and there is a reason that it happened.


ok here you go Ph 8.2 I know...its alittle high... I haven't changed athing nothing added tank is 7 months old. Unless I have been dosing too much. Amm.0, trites 0, trates 10, salt 1.023 temp 77.
2 clowns,1 wrasse, 3 damsels, 1 coral beauty, 1 hawk fish bunch of coral. Now here is my take, Maybe i haven't been feeding enough because for 2 days now I have been hand feeding and all the fish except for the coral beauty are hogs and I have witnessed my tang eating now, actually has a pretty good appetite, but I have watched the other fish literally take the food out of his mouth, you see he is a baby,about the size of a fifty cent piece now, The dosing I am talking about is B-Ionic and Phytoplex every other day. hopefully you can help, I notice by the amount of your posts, you just might know what you are talking about,


Your ph is fine where it is. The temp could go up a little. 79-80 degrees is good. If he is trying to eat then that is a very good sign. Have you been adding nori sheets into the tank for him to graze on? What all do you feed your fish. This is an instance that some time in a qt would be very beneficial for him. You could put some weight on him without him having to compete for food. He has to compete against some aggressive eaters. If that is not an option then try placing a couple of nori stips at opposite ends of the tank, not near the damsels domain.


The whole tank is damsel domain LOL, yes I do put sheets in he doesn't seem to know what to do yet, I feed a mixture, mysis, brine, emerald something, cyclops and flakes and I also feed these veggie flakes you are suppose to, soak for a few minutes before putting in the tank, I just think I was not feeding enough and the tangs are shy and he is a baby the the damsels, need i go any further, thank you for helping me walk thru this.


You can try adding more food to the tank at a time, but don't overfeed. Add some garlic to the Nori strips. It will entice him to eat. Of course it will entice the others to eat it as well. In a tank with a variety of fish and a juvenile you have to expect that the others are going to bully the young one. He will get used to the foods and start to eat as aggressively as the others are. As long as he is still going after the foods, I would not worry too much.


I lost the baby, I think he was to far undernourished when I realized what was happening. As much as I want to say I wish we all could know and think about the fish we are putting together, All I can say is live and learn, unfortunately it is at the cost of lives. Thanks for all your help. I am so bummed I thought for sure I was going to be able to save him.