I was at the lfs today where they have a 6 inch hippo tang. The fish is very very skinny and I can tell that he has ick, the other fish in the tank were scratching themselves. He had raised areas on his body. I felt sorry for him so I asked how much he was. The guy that works there told me $49 but they nobody wanted him because he was skinny. He said they haven't " thrown him out yet because they want to give him a chance". Well, should I save the fish or do ya even think he can be saved. The guy working there said " he eats but then he goes and lays on the bottom" He also said "the owner would probably give ya a good deal". My thought is FREE. I have an empty qt ready. I feel bad for this fish to get to be 6 inchs and then nobody cares. Just wondering if I could even save him. Please let me what ya'll think.