Skinny Mandarin Goby


Today I noticed my Mandarin Goby is getting really thin. I guess he depleted all the Copepods in my LR. So today I bought some frozen Reef Plankton and he loved it. Actually everyone in the tank loved it the goby, a Falco Hawkfish, my corral frags, and assorted crabs. He still seems hungry and I just want to fatten him back up. Should I just keep feeding my tank this once everyday?


Active Member
Originally Posted by biohazard
Today I noticed my Mandarin Goby is getting really thin. I guess he depleted all the Copepods in my LR. So today I bought some frozen Reef Plankton and he loved it. Actually everyone in the tank loved it the goby, a Falco Hawkfish, my corral frags, and assorted crabs. He still seems hungry and I just want to fatten him back up. Should I just keep feeding my tank this once everyday?
I know it wasn't on purpose, but you waited too long to start experimenting with frozen food. Now that the mandarin is already thin it has a much higher chance of starving on a diet of frozen food. If you have a friend with a lot of established live rock, I would put the mandarin in there until he fattens back up. After that I would try the frozen foods.
If you decide to keep him in your tank, definately spot feed him every day and make sure he is eating. I would also supplement the frozen food with live brine shrimp (posibly coated with nutrients if you have the ability).


thanks for the advice man. Yeah it deff wasnt on purpose. The thought of him starving makes me sick to my stomach. I cant imagine how he feels.


Active Member
There are several places on line to buy pods. I would stock some, and maybe add a hang on back fuge.


I have a psychedelic Mandarin and was also worried because I have a newer tank and he will only eat co pods didn't know that until I had him in my tank didn't want to kill him so I started researching ways to feed him. Even ended up with a mouth full of blood worms trying to spot feed :hilarious
Any way to make a long story short while trying to get a fuge up and running I have found that he likes Blood worms soaked in garlic eats them like spaghetti noodles! I use the frozen Hakari blood worms. As suggested, believe it or not, by a LFS. The Mandarin has been enjoying this for almost two months and my fuge is now over run with co pods that I dump in the Display tank from time to time. He is not huge but he is not skinny.
Good luck!


Active Member
My mandarin never eat frozen food and he went down the toilet.
I was very upset because he was soooooo nice.