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I got away with no cycle on my 125 upgrade, but I transferred everything from my 55 (established for almost a year) to my 125 within 4 days. Some people have done it quicker than me but I wanted to make sure it would be OK so it took me 4 days total to do the transfer. Here's how it went:
Day 1: put in sand, base rock, new salt water, and about 30 lbs of live rock from the 55.
Day 2: checked all params (mostly for ammonia) 6 times a day.
Day 3: added some bioballs from the filtration on the 55. Continued to check params!!!
Day 4: did a 40 gal water change; took 40 gal of the new water out of the 125 and replaced it with 40 gal of cycled water from the 55. Then once the water cleared I moved everything over, corals, fish, rest of the live rock etc... Hope this helped
Yes that did help thanks for the reply. I had just never talked to anyone who skipped the cycle before, and common sense told me its not only tricky but hard to pull off since one wrong move can probably trip the thing to head south very fast. I will just have to monitor monitor and monitor some more it sounds like!