Skooter Died


Active Member
I "rescued" a gaunt Skooter Blennie from ***** 3 weeks ago. He died last night. So I have a question or 2. My tank is only 3 months old right now - plenty of LR IMO. When he first went in he seemed to feed on the sand and glass, LR, etc... I'm wondering though if he starved to death - was my tank not established enough? I did some tests last night - everything was normal except PH was low - down to 7.8.
Any ideas would be appreciated.


Active Member
:( sorry...! But Scooters are in the dragonette family and need pods mainly. I know they will eat other stuff, but pods are their meal of choice. We didn't get our mandrin until our tank was a little over a year old. We have had him for over 1 1/2 years and I still worry about him.


Scared me.When you said Scooter died,I thought you were talking about Phil Rizzoto ( from Yankees ).
Just kidding, sorry to hear about scooter.I had one for a while ,it was eating good .I would take a turkey baster and spot feed it with brine shrimp because it never came up for the food and suddenly died. My tank was young too.Maybe because I had CC instead of sand back then.


Active Member
What is Fauna? When I bought him I had the LFS guy look up the fish and said he ate fauna. I thought that was algae or greens..... (dumb)...


I have always heard they are not as picky as a manderin but some maybe more then others.
I was dumb and bought a scooter as my first fish in a 29 gallon about 18 months ago. Ran around trying to get different sand samples, etc to seed the bed and added a fuge. Have also had luck with him eating sweetwater zooplankton. He is in a 55 now with lots and lots of live rock and also a fuge that gravity feeds into the tank. Seems pretty happy these days.
Sorry to hear about the one you tried to rescue, starvation may have been the cause, or maybe he just wasn't real healthy to begin with.
Yes, very sorry about the loss. I was lucky to be able to offer brine to my scooter's as well as plenty of pods for them to munch on....really cool fish.


Sorry to hear it. I too just suffered the loss of a Scooter, just this morning actaully. He was my buddy. Unfortunatly I was sold a scooter by an LFS store that didn't tell me any info on the little fella.....scratch that.......didn't tell me correct info. I told them I had a fish only tank, they long as there is algae the little guy will do fine. Only in the last two weeks did I learn I am probably starving him to death. I tried to compensate but it was too little too late. I did learn a lesson though and No more scooters until live rock and at least another year of establishment. He was a darned entertaining fella to watch. The only thing I am wondering is......he never acted like he was sick.........ALWAYS very active and seemed happy and healthy. Its a shame he died, but I won't kill anymore fish because I didn't do my homework. LFS stores are usually the worst for false info, I also learned that on this site!